Interactive HUB:
Open Fuels Management HUB in New Tab
Since 1995, Fuels Management and Forest Health projects have been occurring within the Northstar Community Services District boundaries. These projects have a primary goal of preventing a catastrophic wildfire in the "Open Space/Common Areas", while enhancing the overall health of the forest.
Key components to the Northstar Fuels Reduction/Forest Enhancement Projects are as follows:
- Protect the investment and real value of open space parcels by reducing stocking levels of trees and brush fields to resemble the pre-Comstock era.
- Use forest product/litter as an erosion control method and for nutrient recycling.
- Retain various snag classes and living wildlife trees where they can be safely considered. This is based on proximity to buildings, streets, power lines and the TMT trail system.
- Enhance and maintain a natural variable seed and forage source for wildlife.
- Create a healthy and diverse forest for future generations to enjoy.
Additional Resources:
Message from Joe Barron - NFD Forester
Photo Points & Maps of Fuels Management Work
Green Waste Curbside Pickup

